Tohoku University
Sendai, Miyagi

The ancient castle grounds of Sendai's famous feudal warlord Masamune Date, are home to the majority of Tohoku University's facilities. In addition to the five main campuses is the new Aobayama campus on Aobayama mountain surrounded by beautiful fir forests native to the region's hilly terrain which endures next door to the thriving metropolis of Sendai city, home to more than one million people.
For more than a century history from its establishment in 1907, Tohoku University has promoted excellence in education and research under its principles of Research First, Open Doors, and Practice-Oriented Research and Education. Since its establishment, Tohoku University has been consistently ranked amongst the top academic institutions in Japan.
Tohoku University is the only recipient for the "University for International Research Excellence", a new program by MEXT starting from FY 2024 in Japan.
From 2020 to 2023, the university was ranked #1 in Times Higher Education‚ Japan University Rankings.
Programas de graduación
FGL International Programs
- Advanced Molecular Chemistry (AMC)
- International Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (IMAC-U)
- Applied Marine Biology (AMB).
Tohoku University established three 4-year FGL undergraduate courses (Advanced Molecular Chemistry Course "AMC," International Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Course "IMAC-U," and Applied Marine Biology Course "AMB") to attract applicants from around the world who possess an international view, the desire to be globally active, and excellent basic academic abilities.
As classes in these courses are conducted in English, Japanese ability is not required for the entrance examination. Because students can confidently begin studying without any knowledge of Japanese, we hope it will attract many students who have an interest in Japan and the desire to study at Tohoku University.
Programas de postgrado
- CNMC: Cross-National Master’s (Law, Politics)
- BMC: Basic Medicine Course
- IMSE: International Materials Science and Engineering Course
- GPEM: Global Program in Economics and Management
- IGPAS: International Graduate Program for Advanced Science
- IOHS: Interface Oral Health Science Course
- IGSPS: International Graduate School of pharmaceutical Sciences
- IMAC-G: International Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Course-Graduate
- RictA: Robotics X ict X Architecture program
- I-CEEC: International Civil & Environmental Engineering Course
- IGPLS: International Graduate Program in Language Sciences
- G2SD: Graduate Program in Global Governance & Sustainable Development
- ICLS: International Course of Life Sciences
- IESLP: International Environmental Security Leadership Program
- IPHS: International Post-Graduate Program in Human Security
- NIFS: Fostering Human Resources in new interdisciplinary Fields in Society 5.0
- SIM: Social Infrastructure Management Course
- IGSAL: International Graduate School of Arts and Letters
- I-GES: International Graduate Program in Global Education Studies
- CNDC: Cross-National Doctoral Course (Law, Politics)
- NMC: Network Medicine Course
- CA⁺inD: CAMPUS Asia Plus in Dentistry.
For more information, please refer to the following URL.
Otros programas
Exchange Program
- Junior Year Program in English (JYPE)
- International Program in Liberal Arts(IPLA)
- Direct Enrollment Education Program For Natural Science Students(DEEP)
- Cooperative Laboratory Study Program(COLABS)
- APRU Virtual Student Exchange Program(APRU VSE) Short Program
- Tohoku University Japanese Program(TUJP)
- Tohoku University STEM Summer Program(TSSP)
For more information, please refer to the following URL.
Please refer to the following URL.