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The University of Tokyo Grad. School of Agricultural and Life Sciences (IPADS)

Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo

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“Global Scope” “Issue Oriented” “Transdisciplinary”

About the University of Tokyo:
The University of Tokyo Founded in 1877 as the first national University in Japan, the University of Tokyo, one of the world's leading universities in education and research, has produced some of the most outstanding scholars, scientists, and social and political leaders of Japan, including Novel Laureates (in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology/Medicine, Literature & Peace Prize) and Fields medalist.

About the Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences /Faculty of Agriculture At the Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences (GSALS):
We are committed to serving the global society through our education and research programs dedicated to the sustainable provision of food and ecosystem services. As one of Asia's leading agricultural schools, we take pride in the quality of our experienced and internationally recognized staff, who engage in innovative teaching and groundbreaking research.

About International Program in Agricultural Development Studies (IPADS):
Inaugurated in 2010/2011, the International Program in Agricultural Development Studies (IPADS) is an English-language MSc and PhD Program at the Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, the University of Tokyo.

Issue-oriented rather than methodology-oriented, this exciting international program offers its candidates the opportunity to develop the requisite expertise across discipline and country boundaries to tackle agricultural and environmental problems in developing countries around the world.

Graduates will be well-equipped to make a difference in the modern, globalized agriculture industry. The academic year at IPADS begins in October each year. Typically, students in MSc complete the coursework component of the program in their first six months while designing and preparing for their original research and then engage in full-time research.

Throughout the program, students are actively involved in the School's research community, participating in weekly seminars, thematic workshops, and academic conferences. Credit points for the research component of the program (8 credits for International Master's Research and four credits for IPADS Research Seminars) are awarded for these activities, which are designed to build a foundation to write a high-quality Master's thesis. With the program coordinator's prior approval, students can enroll in other subjects offered at the University in lieu of one or more of the subjects.

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-Campus located near Ueno, 15min train ride from Tokyo
-International learning environment
-Transdisciplinary learning
-Multiple scholarships

Programas de graduación

-Programs in English at Komaba (PEAK)
-Global Science Course (GSC)

Programas de postgrado

-International Program in Economics (UTIPE)
-Graduate Program on Global Society (GSP)
-Graduate Program on Environmental Sciences (GPES)
-Graduate Program for International Students
-Global Science Graduate Course (GSGC)
-International Graduate Program in the Field of Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Studies
-International Multidisciplinary Engineering Graduate Program
-Graduate Programs for International Students in Urban and Environmental Studies
-Special Graduate Program in Resilience Engineering (Systems Innovation Course)
-Special Graduate Program in Resilience Engineering (Nuclear Engineering and Management Course)
-International Bioengineering Course in Master's Global 30 Program(G30-IBP)
-Architecture and Urban Design Course in Master's Global 30 Program(G30-UDA)
-International Technology Management Course in the Department of Technology Management for Innovation (TMI) in Master's Global 30 Program(G30-TMI)
-International Graduate Program in Chemistry and Biotechnology
-International Program in Agricultural Development Studies (IPADS)
-Global Health Sciences: Program in International Health
-Environmental Studies Program
-Asian Development Bank (ADB) Japan Scholarship Program
-Graduate Program in Sustainability Science – Global Leadership Initiative (GPSS-GLI)
-Graduate Program on Intelligent Information Processing
-Information, Technology, and Society in Asia (ITASIA),

-International Program in Economics (UTIPE)
-Graduate Program on Global Society (GSP)
-Graduate Program on Environmental Sciences (GPES)
-Graduate Program for International Students
-International Graduate Program in the Field of Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Studies -International Multidisciplinary Engineering Graduate Program
-Graduate Programs for International Students in Urban and Environmental Studies
-Special Graduate Program in Resilience Engineering (Systems Innovation Course)
-Special Graduate Program in Resilience Engineering (Nuclear Engineering and Management Course)
-International Graduate Program in Chemistry and Biotechnology
-International Program in Agricultural Development Studies (IPADS)
-Global Health Sciences: Program in International Health
-Graduate Program in Sustainability Science
– Global Leadership Initiative (GPSS-GLI)
-Graduate Program on Intelligent Information Processing
-Information, Technology, and Society in Asia (ITASIA)
-Department of International Public Policies

Otros programas

Scholarship Information at

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