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Nishinippon Institute of Technology

Miyako-gun, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka

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[Design and Technology]

Engineering School of Nishinippon Institute of Technology consists as Department of Integrated Systems Engineering of 7 special fields from which students can select for their purposes. There is only one Integrated System Engineering Department at our Engineering School.

A student can select one of 7 special fields provided at our school according to his purposes. The reason for this unique organization of the school is that our school brings up not only specialists who has mastered knowledge or technology of special fields, but also generalists who can understand engineering as a whole beyond their own special fields. This is because present-day manufacturing requires not only one special field but also wide-range and high-level knowledge and technology.

Therefore, the original curriculum suitable for social needs is organized such as the organization of common subjects to engineering school, introductory education for the basic study of engineering, accreditation of other special subjects, etc.

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The Obase campus is located in Kanda-machi contiguous to Kitakyushu, and is a campus to which the local industry world close to the production bases of various industries including Each industry including various industries such as automobiles etc.

The Kokura campus consists of the building in RIVERWALK Kitakyushu which is 3 minutes walk from Nishi Kokura Station or 15 minutes walk from Kokura Station, and of graduate school and the regional association center which is about 100m ahead from there.

Programas de graduación

Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Design (However, all classes are in Japanese)

Programas de postgrado

Master - production system : 2-year, environment syststem : 2-year

Otros programas

Privately financed international students enrolled in a regular course of study: half of the tuition fee, MEXT Scholarship for International Students : 48,000yen per month (Faculty) / 48,000yen per month (Graduate School), etc.

Materiales y descargas

Folletos, guías de solicitud, información sobre becas

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