Meros Language School
Ikebukuro, Tokyo

Meros Language School is located in Ikebukuro, one of the 3 biggest city centres in Tokyo, and is also known as an epicentre of art, anime & manga.
The fact that there are many colleges and workplaces means that you will have more alternatives for your future. It is very convenient to live. Those are the reasons that this area is very popular not only with youngsters in Japan but also with those from overseas. There are students from more than 20 countries studying with us.
The class range is varied from beginner to advanced, with up to 58 different levels for different purposes. We offer a curriculum that enables students to grow together with classmates of the same level as themselves and to acquire reliable and steady ability because we carefully and firmly build up their Japanese language skills.
With the guidance of our experienced teachers, we have the largest number of students who have successfully progressed to higher education among Japanese language schools in Japan, and many of our students go on to famous and difficult universities every year. By completing the preparatory courses we offer, students who do not fulfil one of the qualifications for Japanese university entrance examinations, which is the completion of at least 12 years of education, will be able to broaden their options to access Japanese universities.
If you wish to go on to a Japanese university or work in Japan in the future, your future options will dramatically expand if you have steadily built up and mastered a high level of Japanese language skills. As a Japanese language educator, we, Meros Language School will do our utmost to support you who are dreaming of playing an active role in Japan in the future.
- Established in 1984. Highly experienced tutors and school. - Located in the city centre of Tokyo, Ikebukuro, which is also famous for anime and manga cultures.
- One-to-one support thoroughly for all career paths, including undergraduate & graduate, vocational schools, and employment.
- Trusted by universities and vocational schools in Japan, with many designated school recommendations accepted. Various on-campus information sessions have been held.
- Incorporated educational institution accredited by the Ministry of Justis and Tokyo Metropolitan. The student discount for the commuter pass is applied to all students studying at Meros Language School.
- Students with less than 12 years of education can prepare efficiently for the entrance examination by taking classes in the basic subjects required to qualify for the Japanese university entrance examination (12 years of education or more) and Japanese language classes at the same time.
- Max.58 classes are available for absolute beginners to super advanced levels. - Support staff in Spanish is available permanently.
- Full support for you to obtain the student visa.
- Dormitories close to the school are available.
Programas de graduación
Programas de postgrado
Otros programas
-General Course
-Preparation Course for higher education (Comlementary programme for university access)
-Elective Classes (EJU, JLPT)
-Graduate School Preparation Class
-Preparation Class for top-ranked universities
-Business Japanese Class -
Japanese Conversation Class
-Prestige Art University Preparation Class
- Short Programme -Private Online Lessons
-Meros Scholarship for excellent students
-Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship for Privately-Financed International Students