Hiroshima University
Higashi-Hiroshima (Main) / Hiroshima / Higashi-senda, Japan

Hiroshima University is a national institution established in Hiroshima, the world’s first atomic bombed city in human history.
Based on its founding principle of “a single unified university, free and pursuing peace”, HU has contributed to the creation of a diversified, free and peaceful global community as an exceptional institution of learning in the fields of education, research, medical services, and social contribution.
Comprising 12 schools, 5 graduate schools, an attached research institute, a university hospital, and other facilities, HU is one of the largest comprehensive research universities in Japan. HU was selected as one of 13 universities for the ‘Top Global University Project’ (top type) in 2014, and as one of 13 universities for the ‘WISE (Doctoral Program for World-leading Innovative & Smart Education) Program’ in 2018.
HU is also making a concerted effort to become more international and multicultural. As of November 1, 2023, there are 1,951 international students from 94 countries and regions at HU. In 2022, the Arizona State University/Thunderbird Graduate School of Global Management-Hiroshima University Global Initiative was established on the grounds of the Higashi-Hiroshima campus and is expected to serve as a bridge to the world as a global campus.
- English taught four-year undergraduate program
- Establishment of an Overseas University Campus, the Arizona State University/Thunderbird Graduate School of Global Management
- Multiple scholarships and tuition fee reductions
- High employability rate
- Hiroshima University fulfills its roles as a national university with these schools 12 schools and 5 graduate schools at 3 campuses.
-Hiroshima University has been selected as one of the 13 top global universities in Japan since 2014.
Hiroshima University has been designated by the Japanese government as one of 22 institutions for "The Program for Promoting the Enhancement of Research Universities."
- Our University has a very unique history for more than 150 years in Hiroshima. We have been challenging and developing every each year.
- Hiroshima University will be University of World-wide repute and splendor for years into the future based on its founding its principle "a single unified university, free and pursuing peace" and its five guiding principles: the Pursuit of Peace, the Creation of New Forms of Knowledge, the Nurturing of Well-Rounded Human Beings, Collaboration with the Local, Regional, and International Community, and Continuous Self-Development.
Programas de graduación
-School of Integrated Arts and Sciences
-School of Letters
-School of Education
-School of Law
-School of Economics
-School of Science
-School of Medicine
-School of Dentistry
-School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
-School of Engineering
-School of Applied Biological Science
-School of Informatics and Data Science
Programas de postgrado
-Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences
-Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
-Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life
-Graduate School of Biomedical and Health Sciences
-Graduate School of Innovation and Practice for Smart Society
Otros programas
-Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship
- IGS Scholarship
- Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship.
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