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Eikei University of Hiroshima

Hiroshima, Hiroshima

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"Open the path to your future with us"

Eikei University of Hiroshima (EUH) is a public university, which was established by the prefectural government of Hiroshima in 2021. We are a single department university.

The department name is “Social System Design”, which aims to foster the competencies to be able to design society for a better world, with liberal arts subjects and PBL programs (project-based learning) as its main focus. We currently offer only undergraduate programs, and we do not have master courses nor doctoral courses. Our curriculum focuses on SDGs-oriented liberal arts subjects and practical programs.

We nurture practical skills to change social system and globally recognized cultural skills so that students can design a future map for the century ahead. The university is actively promoting global collaboration, and even in its third year of operation, has welcomed undergraduate students from various countries and concluded partner agreements with more than 20 universities around the world, all of which have contributed to the creation of a global environment at the campus.

We aim to foster a cadre of young people who have high aspirations to contribute to local communities and the world amid uncertain socioeconomic circumstances, as well as to boldly take on unsolved challenges, and to tenaciously pave the way for a new era by offering education that develops 5 competencies (Foresight, Strategy, Global collaboration, Energetic drive, Self-improvement) required to thrive in society.

“Foresight” is the ability to discover the core problems caused by changes in society by developing a multifaceted perspective based on broad knowledge, foreseeing the future with a global perspective and conceptual thinking.

“Strategy” is the ability to develop integrated solutions strategically by collecting, researching and analyzing information and learning with logical thinking utilizing ICT literacy.

“Global collaboration” is the ability to utilize high language proficiency and communication skills for collaborating with people from different cultures and values, respecting social and individual diversity and building credible relationships with them.

“Energetic drive” is the ability to proactively take on and pursue challenges demonstrating leadership and perseverance without avoiding difficulties.

“Self-improvement” is the ability to improve oneself through lifelong learning with high motivation and morality.

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-All courses are offered in English
-Offers practical curriculum: Project-Based Learning, internship/volunteer programs
-Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) oriented liberal arts
-Various scholarship opportunities and tuition fee reductions
-Not required: JLPT, EJU
-On-campus international dormitory

Programas de graduación

Department of Social System Design

Programas de postgrado

Otros programas

1)EUH Special Scholarship 50,000JPY /Month
2)MEXT Honors Scholarship 48,000JPY /Month

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