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ARC Japanese Language School

Tokyo, Tokyo/ Kyoto, Kyoto

"Building Voices, Bridging Cultures"

Study in one of ARC Japanese Language 3 campuses in Japan: one in the historic city of Kyoto and two in Tokyo (Iidabashi and Shinjuku).

Since 1986 we offer quality language education and cultural immersion. With us, students enjoy the many events inside and outside the school, a lot of classroom activities to improve their understanding of both the Japanese language and culture.

Our experienced teachers guide students through comprehensive courses (short and long term), from kanji and conversation to reading and writing, until they become competitive in the job market and achieve the highest level of language proficiency. We welcome international students from more than 50 countries: from complete beginners to those who aim for native-level fluency. Optional classes are available for intermediate and advanced students, allowing a customized learning experience.

We also offer free JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) and EJU preparation classes, along with support for job hunting and continuing education in Japan.

At ARC, students not only learn Japanese but also experience living in Japan, making international friends, and fully immersing themselves in the local culture. We strive to provide an enriching educational journey that goes beyond traditional language learning.

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-high employment rate
-360 degrees support (career and academic)
-international environment (50 different nationalities) -experience teachers and solid curriculum
-rich calendar of events

Programas de graduación

Programas de postgrado

Otros programas

- University Preparation Course (Tokyo campus)
- Summer Course (Shinjuku Campus)
- Business Class (Tokyo campus)

-International Students Admission Promotion Program (JASSO) • 30,000 JPY per month, for 12 months
-LHS ASIA Scholarship • 100,000 JPY
-Kyoritsu Maintenance Scholarship • 60,000 JPY per month, for 12 months

Materiales y descargas

Folletos, guías de solicitud, información sobre becas

© 2021 por Study in Japan Sudamérica


Tennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba

Oficina Study in Japan Perú
Edif. Sede Central Jorge Basadre - Oficina General de Cooperación y Relaciones Interinstitucionales - Universidad Mayor de San Marcos

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